Conjola Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade - NEWS
NSW RFS - Conjola Brigade Information Update
18 Aug 2020 Update - Lynne Wright Community Engagement Officer
Did you know that from September 1st you will be required to get a permit for any pile burns?
The Fire Danger Period is 1st September - 31st March each year unless otherwise notified. During this period it is illegal to light a fire without a permit (exemptions apply). A property owner may apply for a permit from Shoalhaven Fire Control (Ph: 02 4424 4424), Geoff Phillips (Ph: 0412 552 225) or Clive Turner (Ph: 0428 561 300).
Check the following brochures first:
Bush Fire Danger Period and Fire Permits
Lighting a Fire Quick Facts
Pile Burn
Heavy fines and/or gaol may apply for not complying with the law.
18 Aug 2020 Update - Lynne Wright Community Engagement Officer
Did you know that from September 1st you will be required to get a permit for any pile burns?
The Fire Danger Period is 1st September - 31st March each year unless otherwise notified. During this period it is illegal to light a fire without a permit (exemptions apply). A property owner may apply for a permit from Shoalhaven Fire Control (Ph: 02 4424 4424), Geoff Phillips (Ph: 0412 552 225) or Clive Turner (Ph: 0428 561 300).
Check the following brochures first:
Bush Fire Danger Period and Fire Permits
Lighting a Fire Quick Facts
Pile Burn
Heavy fines and/or gaol may apply for not complying with the law.
NSW RFS - Conjola Brigade : "Get Ready Day" Poster Competition
18 Aug 2020 Update - Lynne Wright Community Engagement Officer
The Competition is open to all ages. Entries close 13 Sep 2020. There will be prizes for each category. Winners will be announced and presented at the “Get Ready Day” on Sunday 20th September at Conjola Community Centre.
Further details on the Conjola Brigade Facebook Page - click here
18 Aug 2020 Update - Lynne Wright Community Engagement Officer
The Competition is open to all ages. Entries close 13 Sep 2020. There will be prizes for each category. Winners will be announced and presented at the “Get Ready Day” on Sunday 20th September at Conjola Community Centre.
Further details on the Conjola Brigade Facebook Page - click here
NSW RFS - Conjola Brigade Facebook Page
15 May 2020 Update - Lynne Wright Community Engagement Officer
NSW RFS - Conjola Brigade is ready for you to follow their newly established Facebook Page
15 May 2020 Update - Lynne Wright Community Engagement Officer
NSW RFS - Conjola Brigade is ready for you to follow their newly established Facebook Page
RFS Online Forum to discuss the impact of the Currowan Fire to Conjola and District on 31 Dec 2019
2 May 2020 Update - Lynne Wright Community Engagement Officer
The NSW Rural Fire Service is holding an online forum to provide clarity around the events leading up to and including the fire impact on the Lake Conjola community on New Year’s Eve, 2019.
At 6:30 pm, Thursday 7 May residents of Lake Conjola are encouraged to join with representatives of the NSW Rural Fire Service and the National Parks and Wildlife Service to walk through the progression of the Currowan Fire and its run onto the coastal community. During the event there will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions.
While it would be preferred to hold a public meeting an online event is being facilitated given the current COVID restrictions.
To register you interest in the forum, community members are encouraged to click on the link below. This will take you to a ticketing site but there is no cost it is just is a way of managing the online forum.
The link to the online meeting will be sent to registered participants prior to the meeting.
Lynne Wright
Community Engagement Officer
Conjola RFS
2 May 2020 Update - Lynne Wright Community Engagement Officer
The NSW Rural Fire Service is holding an online forum to provide clarity around the events leading up to and including the fire impact on the Lake Conjola community on New Year’s Eve, 2019.
At 6:30 pm, Thursday 7 May residents of Lake Conjola are encouraged to join with representatives of the NSW Rural Fire Service and the National Parks and Wildlife Service to walk through the progression of the Currowan Fire and its run onto the coastal community. During the event there will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions.
While it would be preferred to hold a public meeting an online event is being facilitated given the current COVID restrictions.
To register you interest in the forum, community members are encouraged to click on the link below. This will take you to a ticketing site but there is no cost it is just is a way of managing the online forum.
The link to the online meeting will be sent to registered participants prior to the meeting.
Lynne Wright
Community Engagement Officer
Conjola RFS
News Update
Jan 2020 Update - Lynne Wright Community Engagement Officer
Jan 2020 Update - Lynne Wright Community Engagement Officer
As a result of the terrible fire disaster, which struck our Conjola Community, we have received many generous donations from kind hearted people, groups, organisations and businesses, from all over the Country. This makes us feel very valued and well supported.
Some of our own RFS members lost their homes and livelihoods on New Year’s Eve as have so many of you in our community. We are a small brigade with 9 regular active members, many of whom had been working tirelessly on the Currowan Fire for an extended period.
One of THE most important ways you could help our Brigade is to seriously consider joining the Conjola Brigade. If you have thought about this and you are just not sure - please drop into the Station in Thorne Street one Sunday morning around 10am and have a chat. Many people are concerned that the Brigade will take over their lives - but that is not how it works. Our Captain’s philosophy of the hierarchy of importance is your health, your family commitments, your work, then the Brigade.
Your donations will be really well used by the crews located in Lake Conjola and Fisherman’s Paradise, which together form Conjola Brigade. I have listed below, the donors who made amazingly generous donations since New Year’s Eve.
Fire Permits Suspended in the Shoalhaven District
Mon 18 Nov 2019
From November 18th 2019, until further notice, due to the extreme fire danger, the Shoalhaven District Fire Control Office has suspended fire permits. This means you will not be able to request a fire permit from your Conjola RFS Captains.
Catastrophic Fire Conditions
Mon 11 Nov 2019
A NSW state-wide TOTAL FIRE BAN is in place for catastrophic conditions expected tomorrow
Some of our own RFS members lost their homes and livelihoods on New Year’s Eve as have so many of you in our community. We are a small brigade with 9 regular active members, many of whom had been working tirelessly on the Currowan Fire for an extended period.
One of THE most important ways you could help our Brigade is to seriously consider joining the Conjola Brigade. If you have thought about this and you are just not sure - please drop into the Station in Thorne Street one Sunday morning around 10am and have a chat. Many people are concerned that the Brigade will take over their lives - but that is not how it works. Our Captain’s philosophy of the hierarchy of importance is your health, your family commitments, your work, then the Brigade.
Your donations will be really well used by the crews located in Lake Conjola and Fisherman’s Paradise, which together form Conjola Brigade. I have listed below, the donors who made amazingly generous donations since New Year’s Eve.
- The Holmes Family Trust
- Chris Quill
- Felicity Lockhead resulting from a Windang Fundraiser
- Cooee Hotel - St George’s Basin
- Scott Marsh - Chippendale The Artist who did the Scomo wall art.
- Cuppitts Winery (picture below)
- Lake Conjola Bowling Club - from the Big Barrel donations
- Nicole and Adam Baker - children of Cheryl Baker, a Lake Conjola resident
- Isaac, Skyla & Taj - 3 amazing children with their amazing cake stall (picture below)
- An anonymous resident
- Kylie Malifant - Fisho’s fundraiser
- Ingenia Social Club - this was raised before Christmas but due to the fires has recently been presented. (pictures below)
- Chow’s Table - all the way over in WA. 11 top restaurants in Yallingup put on a feast for 190 people and raised heaps of money for us on the east. (picture below)
- Hydroflasks delivered by Sam on behalf of Dave Byrne from Surfcomposites (picture below)
- Melissa Mullin from the Lions Club Helensburgh - donation of water, hydrolite, suncream & many goodies for when we are out on the fire front. (picture below)
Fire Permits Suspended in the Shoalhaven District
Mon 18 Nov 2019
From November 18th 2019, until further notice, due to the extreme fire danger, the Shoalhaven District Fire Control Office has suspended fire permits. This means you will not be able to request a fire permit from your Conjola RFS Captains.
Catastrophic Fire Conditions
Mon 11 Nov 2019
A NSW state-wide TOTAL FIRE BAN is in place for catastrophic conditions expected tomorrow